A show about relationships with the land

There are many ways to listen to the show: Listen live on CFRU 93.3 fm broadcasting from the University of Guelph Mondays at 6pm EST or listen to the podcast via Spotify, Apple, or just follow the rss feed.

Ep. 264 : A Fisher in Edmonton with Sage Raymond
interview, mammals, tracking byron murray interview, mammals, tracking byron murray

Ep. 264 : A Fisher in Edmonton with Sage Raymond

Fishers aren’t known as an urban adapted species. They tend to avoid our built up landscapes and prefer mature forests comprised of old trees with cavities and lots of course woody debris (think of big piles of dead branches and fallen logs). Because of this Fishers avoid our cities… or so we thought.
Sage Raymond is a researcher who studies urban adapted Coyotes in Edmonton. While out checking some trail cams intended to catch Coyotes on the landscape, she happened across a Fisher trail in the snow. Sage realized that this was a very unusual circumstance and wrote a paper about it. Thankfully, she agreed to talk about her findings on the show.

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Ep. 159 : Tracking Urban Adapted Coyote Ecologies with Sage Raymond

Ep. 159 : Tracking Urban Adapted Coyote Ecologies with Sage Raymond

Certified wildlife tracker Sage Raymond, is completing her Masters of Science studying Urban-adapted Coyote ecologies in Edmonton. She has been working with colleagues on the Edmonton Urban Coyote Project studying the patterns and behaviours of these urbanized Coyotes in hopes to be better able to predict, and reduce some of the possible problems or conflicts which could occur between these wilder animals and human/pet populations.

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