A show about relationships with the land
There are many ways to listen to the show: Listen live on CFRU 93.3 fm broadcasting from the University of Guelph Mondays at 6pm EST or listen to the podcast via Spotify, Apple, or just follow the rss feed.

Ep. 159 : Tracking Urban Adapted Coyote Ecologies with Sage Raymond
Certified wildlife tracker Sage Raymond, is completing her Masters of Science studying Urban-adapted Coyote ecologies in Edmonton. She has been working with colleagues on the Edmonton Urban Coyote Project studying the patterns and behaviours of these urbanized Coyotes in hopes to be better able to predict, and reduce some of the possible problems or conflicts which could occur between these wilder animals and human/pet populations.

Ep. 158 : Challenging the use of Predicides in Canada
Wildlife biologist, Hannah Barron and lawyer Kaitlyn Mitchell have been working to defend Wolves, Coyotes, Bears, and Skunks, among many other animals from being poisoned in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Together, we talk about why the use of poisons to deter these animals doesn’t work, can’t work, and why the poisoning of predators (“predicide”) in attempts to control them needs to be banned. This is a hard one to listen to at times, so please take care.

Ep. 143 : Lesley Sampson and Lauren Van Patter on Co-existing With Urban Coyotes
Highly adaptive, intelligent, “wily”, and resilient, Coyote is not going to stop just because our human made landscapes get in the way. In fact, Coyotes make the way for themselves within our constructed spaces, finding edges and cracks and turning them into home.
But how do we co-exist with an animal that so many have feared, hunted and sought to destroy for so long? How can we share the urban environment with a predator? When animals re-occupy the urban in novel ways, or ways that humans didn’t intend, how do we make space for that?
Lesley Sampson of Coyote Watch Canada, and animal geographer Lauren Van Patter share some of their experiences with Coyotes in urban environments, and how they are looking to help communities learn how to coexist with these wonderful animals.
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As well as : Breaker : Overcast : Pocket casts : RadioPublic