What’s going on out on the land?
On the Opossum Trail
For the past few years I have been tracking the Scout Camp beside where I work. Lately with the students, we trailed an Opossum around the area.
This time I went back alone in hopes of learning more about the Virginia Opossum and see what they were up to. I wasn’t let down.

What is a Hemipenis?
Why would I write a blog post about another animals penis? I am so down with highlighting differing sexual norms which exist outside of normative considerations within the dominant heterocentric colonial culture. Looking at other ways that animals get down is pretty revealing and helps us remember that there really is no “one right way” that is more natural or good. Life finds many ways to express. And, it’s pretty interesting.
Tracking journal for December 5, 2020. Along Eramosa River.
I took the normal trail I usually take, but when I came to the Northward split I decided I would take it, just to see if anything new stuck out for me along the way. And, of course something did.
I stepped on the first few tracks before I even saw them, but I luckily did look down with enough time that I didn’t crush the whole trail. The snow was just crusty enough from thawing a little bit the day before and then freezing overnight that these tracks were stable enough to guess that I may be able to follow this trail for a while.