What’s going on out on the land?
White-tailed Deer feeding sign at Kinghurst
Recently, at a TCNA “tracker tuesday” call, there was a challenge proposed: on your next tracking outing, practice following the deer or the rabbits and see if you can find 10 plants which they fed on. For me in my area, the deer would be White-tailed Deer and the rabbits would be Eastern Cottontails. While I have been observing the Cottontails loosely at work with my students, for this tracking outing with the Earth Tracks Wildlife Tracking Apprenticeship, we focused on the White-tails.
Fruit and Seeds pt. 2
This is part 2 in a series exploring fruit and seeds, an leaves as well I guess, of different summer fruits which might be found in some scat of common birds and mammals in my area. This is part two of a series.