What’s going on out on the land?
Fruit and Seeds pt. 5
Finally, part 5. This entry has been quite delayed, just under a year in fact. I took new photos for the Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) and got some photos and filled out the entry for the Serviceberry (Amelanchier spp.). The common scale still remains a canadian quarter, which is 23.88 mm.
What a fun project, all inspired by an encounter with an Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus) with some then unknown seeds I noticed in their scat.
Fruit and Seeds pt. 4
Part 4 in my series exploring fruit, seeds, and leaves. I got two new measuring tapes thanks to my friends (Matt and Steffanie). Thank you very much!
I am also running into problems around identifying some plants down to species, especially those that hybridize easily like the Hawthorns and Grapes. I hope to get better as I go. For now, this is still a blast.
Fruit and Seeds pt. 3
Welcome to part 3 in the series exploring fruit, seeds, and leaves. I have been better at scale for these, and refining my process of photographing on the measuring tape (though my tape just broke). The common scale still remains a canadian quarter, which is 23.88 mm in diameter. Making these guides has already been useful as I have been identifying particular seeds in scats already. It’s a joy to see the work come to fruition.
Fruit and Seeds pt. 2
This is part 2 in a series exploring fruit and seeds, an leaves as well I guess, of different summer fruits which might be found in some scat of common birds and mammals in my area. This is part two of a series.

Fruit and Seeds pt. 1
I wanted to compile a small collection of images and notes about seeds of the summer which might be found in some scat of common birds and mammals in my area. This is part one of a series.
Who’s This Plant?
A few questions about a plant unknown to me from a recent walk. Some of the answers were much harder to source than others. Hopefully more resources can emerge that might help other folks like me who’ve got a ton of questions about all the fun stuff we’re finding.