What’s going on out on the land?

Determining Direction of Travel on a Fisher Trail
tracking, tracking apprenticeship, mammals, trailing byron murray tracking, tracking apprenticeship, mammals, trailing byron murray

Determining Direction of Travel on a Fisher Trail

“Which way them critters goin’?”
To this day it can be tricky to tell the direction of travel through deep snow.
For this exploration in determining the direction of travel I’ll use a snowed in Fisher trail we encountered during an Earth Tracks Tracking Apprenticeship outing at Bognor Marsh, near Meaford, Ontario as an example. It was a faint trail, mostly snowed in, but the impressions were visible at the right angles, as long as they hadn’t been blown away in the wind.

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Examining Coyote Courting Behaviours : Tracking at Bell’s Lake

Examining Coyote Courting Behaviours : Tracking at Bell’s Lake

On Saturday we met up to go tracking with the apprenticeship crew. Marcus and I pulled up I noted the trail along the middle of the road, between the tire tracks, where it looked like some sort of canid had been walking along. The folks who were already there had already noticed this trail and were exploring other trails as well. As everyone arrived we circled up and then decided to follow the trail into the woods and see what else we could figure out.
What began as a wonder, ended as a joyful celebration of the possibility of romance and new life. All from following a couple of Coyotes.

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