What’s going on out on the land?
Identifying an unknown Shrew
A parent of one of the kids at the school where I work wrote to me recently, sharing some photos of a dead Shrew she had found at one of my favorite places near to where I live. She guessed it could be a Pygmy Shrew and asked what I thought. I decided to try and figure it out.
Which Weasel Was It?
A few years ago, one of my former students called me over to the fire pit to show me something his cat caught. I love it when the kids bring in dead animals because it gives us time to really study them in a way that we wouldn’t otherwise get the chance to. I came over and was totally surprised. A weasel!
Who are you?
I wanted to make a post of some of the assorted lifeforms I have been finding while out on the land. Part of the process of learning the land is to know that we don’t know much. I know those with longer standing relationships, more profound training and mentors may have considerable more knowledge and experience, but we all start somewhere and I’m trying to learn all I can.