A show about relationships with the land
There are many ways to listen to the show: Listen live on CFRU 93.3 fm broadcasting from the University of Guelph Mondays at 6pm EST or listen to the podcast via Spotify, Apple, or just follow the rss feed.
Ep. 260 : New Year, New Egg Case
I was out for a walk along the Eramosa River in Guelph with a pal on New Years Day, when she lifted a log and showed me some strange white patches along it. I guessed by the appearance of them, being small, white and silken-like, with many around, that they were likely egg cases of some small invertebrate.
White, circular with a thin shallow dome constructed of webbing got me wondering who may have created this? I decided that this find, like a lot of the small wonders of the world would be worth researching a bit and recording a show about.
Ep. 252 : Mussel Midden Mystery
While teaching up at the Lodge at Pine Cove this past weekend we came across lots of tracks and sign. But there was one bit of sign that was really annoying me… something I wasn’t sure about. There were mussel shells laying about all along the rivers edge. Along the beach, the rocky cove, and all across the depths of the French River. They had all been opened, most split at the hinge, some cracked, many fragile and crumbling apart when put a bit of pressure on them. Someone had been feeding on these mussels for quite a few years it seemed, and I wanted to, maybe even needed to, figure this mussel mystery out.

Ep. 242 : I really don’t know much about Earthworms
This past weekend I got to participate in my second track and sign evaluation and one of the most interesting things I learned was some new Earthworm sign which triggered the thought… I really don’t know much about Earthworms.
I ended up crawling through all of my books to see what I had on the topic, but there wasn’t much. A couple paragraphs here, a photo or two there, but there was enough to tickle my curiosity.
Listen to the show if you want to learn more, too. These worms have a lot of interesting things going for them.

Ep. 193 : Spiders of North America with Sarah Rose
I am overwhelmed sometimes by the sheer diversity and quantity of Spider species I encounter. So many! I take a ton of photos and bring them up on my computer hoping to try and identify a couple, and maybe write about who I am seeing out there, but the precious few who I have been successful in identifying are just that, the precious few.
It has been hard to find a good field guide to Spiders. When I recently I got a copy of Spiders of North America by Sarah Rose I was stoked.
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As well as : Breaker : Overcast : Pocket casts : RadioPublic