A show about relationships with the land
There are many ways to listen to the show: Listen live on CFRU 93.3 fm broadcasting from the University of Guelph Mondays at 6pm EST or listen to the podcast via Spotify, Apple, or just follow the rss feed.

Ep. 179 : Northern River Otter
A friend told me that someone in their small village had spotted a Northern River Otter (Lontra canadensis) in the same river the passes through the city where I live. This is the closest sighting of a River Otter to my neck of the woods I have ever heard of. I was so excited that I ran to my desk where I had all of my mammal books out anyways, and flipped to the River Otter entries and started learning.
Ep. 135 : Brian Husband and The Ontario Heritage and Feral Apple Project
Learning about the ecologies and biologies of Apples with Dr. Brian Husband of the Ontario Heritage and Feral Apple Project where they hunt down the genetics of these heritage species looking to see how they are changing, evolving, and how they are interacting with the local environments where they are found.
Other platforms where you can listen to the show :
As well as : Breaker : Overcast : Pocket casts : RadioPublic