Ep. 218 : Considering Chokecherries

Ep. 218 : Considering Chokecherries
to know the land

In the previous post I mentioned that I had been watching a specific Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana, or the Anishnaabemowin name asasawemin) looking at Eastern Tent Caterpillar (Malacosoma americanum) egg masses and how the caterpillars had emerged. I ended up taking a closer look at the Chokecherry in the days following as my interest had been piqued.

Chokecherry is a role model. How can we be in good relationship with so many different life forms, transform degraded and barren anthropogenic landscapes in preparation for new life? Yes, there is a note of caution to be had, an awareness of potential hazards, but the overall theme of this shrub appears to be regeneration, repair and creating spaces for life to flourish again.

This episode is a long form exploration of the Chokecherry ecology. I hope it works for you as much as it works for me!


Ep. 219 : Discussing Mulberries with Matt Soltys


Dr. Katie Clow on Black-legged Ticks and Lyme Disease (from the archives)