Ep. 213 : Nesting Behaviours of Red-tailed Hawks

Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) at the nest. Eramosa River Valley 2023.04.06. Photo by Matt Hamilton

Ep. 213 : Nesting Behaviours of Red-tailed Hawks
to know the land

Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) are always exciting to see. However ubiquitous or plentiful they may be on the land, it is always a gift to observe them circling and soaring overhead. I have been noting their behaviours for a few years now, trying to catch a glimpse whenever I can. A couple of years ago I watched a pair eager to find out if they were nesting in the valley I walk or ride on my way into work. I never did find that nest, but I hoped I would in the future.

On Monday, a colleague called over the radio that he was observing two Red-tails building a nest. He later watched as the pair were mating on a different tree down closer to the river. This series of events sparked a great curiosity and enthusiasm between all of my colleagues. We have been trying to find ways to observe, but also not interfere. Trying to research, but not just rely on the books. But as it is still relevant, I decided to hit the books. Thus, this weeks show was created. A deep dive into the nesting behaviours of one of my fav cohabitants.

Thanks Drew for the suggestion to include my sources in the show write-up.

Sources for the show:
Forest Raptors & Their Nests in Central Ontario - this is only a partial pdf, and does not have all of the content. I am searching for a complete pdf.
Peterson Field Guide to North American Bird Nests by Casey McFarland, Mathew Monjello & David Moskowitz. HMH, 2021.
Life Histories of North American Birds of Prey pt 1 by Arthur Cleveland Bent. Dover, 1961.
Stokes Guide to Bird Behaviour vol. 3 by Donald and Lillian Stokes. Little, Brown, 1989.
Birds of Forest, Yard, & Thicket by John Eastman. Stackpole Books, 1997.


Ep. 214 : North American Flycatchers with Cin-Ty Lee and Andrew Birch


Ep. 212 : Voices of the Spring Birds