Ep. 210 : BIPOC Outdoor Gear Library

Ep. 210 : BIPOC Outdoor Gear Library
to know the land

Over and over on this podcast (and through the blog) I have spoken to the need to be outdoors and the value for us emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially in participating with the wider wilder world around us. But when these opportunities are interrupted by white-supremacist narratives on who belongs outdoors, the BIPOC Outdoor Gear Library steps up and reminds us that everyone belongs outside!

BIPOC Outdoor Gear Library is a community-based lending library focused on providing access to outdoor equipment for the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) communities of (so-called) Guelph and the surrounding areas. Their gear list includes snowshoes, kayaks, camp stoves, fishing poles, bikes, coolers, sleeping bags, and so much more. But it doesn’t end there. There are events like social hikes, yoga and meditation, archery, cross-country skiing outings, even an overnight camping and paddling weekend!

Through collaboration with partners they are working to increase representation of BIPOC communities engaging in outdoor recreation by reducing barriers to access, creating community, and providing resources and education. What a great organization!

I spoke with founder Dionne Daley about why a BIPOC specific gear library is needed in our communities, why it’s important to dispel the myth of needing to buy all the fancy gear just to get outside, and how folks of colour are asserting space in the outdoors.

Take a listen to the show, and please check out their website and check out their instagram account for more details on how to become a member.

To learn more :
BIPOC Outdoor Gear Library website
BIPOC Outdoor Gear Library instagram


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