Ep. 199 : Death and Decomposers

Ep. 199 : Death and Decomposers
to know the land

Tis’ the season to be considering the concepts of death and decay. We can smell it in the cool wet woods, and we can see it draped across the doorways along our streets. Skeletal trees sway with boney branches scratching at grey skies, and the dark is ever creeping in. Why not celebrate some of the most profound and interesting parties involved in this death and decomposition : Fungi!

This weeks show I zoom in on a game, “Death and Decomposers” to help teach about how essential these factors of life are, as well as the Deadly Galerina (Galerina marginata) aka Funeral Bells mushroom, and it’s toxic capacities. Lastly I read about wood decay fungi like White Rot and Brown Rot from the amazing book Polypores and Similar Fungi of Eastern and Central North America to elaborate a little more on the decomposition capacities and processes of this amazing kingdom.

It really is a fungal world out there, and is certainly blowing up. Get out there and look for the fungi. It may take a second for your eyes to adjust, but soon enough you’ll be seeing them everywhere.

To learn more :
Season of Fungi pt. 1
Season of Fungi pt. 2
Season of Fungi pt. 3
Deadly Galerina study
Polypores and Similar Fungi of Eastern and Central North America


Ep. 200 : Lessons From A Dead Owl


Ep. 198 : Understanding Ecopsychology with Memona Hossain