Ep. 195 : Gallformers.org

Ep. 195 : Gallformers.org
to know the land

Gallformers.org has been referred to me by a few friends over the past few months as they helped me to identify some unknown galls I have found in the field. I have written about galls on this website many times as well (1)(2)(3), usually having to refer back to gallformers.org finally figure out who made them.

I got to ask a ton of questions and we got to talk about why Jeff and Adam started gallformers.org, what a gall is, gall research resources, individuation between gall forms based on the inducer and the host, do they harm the host plant, and so much more.

My appreciation and curiosity surrounding galls and their ecologies could just go nowhere if I didn’t have tools and resources to help me find answers to my curiosities, but because of Adam and Jeff at gallformers.org I have been able to keep going down the gall makers emergence hole and am consistently learning so much as I go.

I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I did.

To learn more :
https://www.inaturalist.org/people/1673632 (my iNat profile)
https://www.inaturalist.org/people/3081415 (Jeff's iNat profile)
gallformers@gmail.com (Jeff mentioned the Slack channel--anyone who wants to join they can contact Adam and Jeff through email or Twitter DMs or iNat messages)


Ep. 196 : Hair Scale Identification Guide to Terrestrial Mammalian Carnivores of Canada with Justin Kestler


Ep. 194 : Song of the Night ii