Ep. 191 : Scat Finder with Dorcas Miller

Ep. 191 : Scat Finder with Dorcas Miller
to know the land

What is scat? Well, in the great words of a creative crew of naturalists*,

Starts with “S” and it ends with a “T”
It comes out of you and it comes out of me
I know what your thinking but don’t call it that
Let’s be scientific and call it “SCAT”

Why would someone write a book about scat? Why would someone need a book about scat? What’s so special about scat?

Finding and identifying scat is definitely part of a trackers repertoire as scat is a gateway into the natural history of the animal who left it. It highlights which species the animal is in relationship with, can help identify where the animal has been, and more generally can teach us more about our land base, which really is the point of this show.

The book highlights more than just scat though. It also connects the skulls and teeth to the digestive tract. It details who eats what and where the scat might be found. It includes detailed measurements and rulers for checking your finds in the field. It is beyond thorough, and all information is provided in an easily digestible framework.

Dorcas Miller has been authoring books on natural history for many years, including Track Finder (1981), Berry Finder (1986), Winter Weed Finder (1989), Constellation Finder (2005), and most recently Scat Finder (2022). She is also one of the founders of the amazing and inspiring Maine Master Naturalist Program, which has been training new naturalists for the past 10 years, a program which has really inspired my work.

Dorcas and I share stories while I ask questions about her awesome new book. It was an honour to get to talk with Dorcas.

*The Scat Rap was first created in 1988 at a “Music and the Environment” workshop at the Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont, Tennessee by a group of naturalists, including Andy Bennett, Mary Keebler, and, Rodd Pemble.

To learn more :
Scat Finder book information
Maine Master Naturalist Program


Ep. 192 : Daniella Roze on the harm in our work


Ep. 190 : Jenna Rudolph on the harm in our work