Wood Thrush by Rhododendrites. 2020. Image. Wikimedia.org. (CC BY-ND 4.0)

Wood Thrush by Rhododendrites. 2020. Image. Wikimedia.org. (CC BY-ND 4.0)

Ep. 157 : Wood Thrush
to know the land

I await the arrival of the Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) with a little bit more anticipation than most other birds. As I wander through the woods looking for tracks of animals or signs of Spring’s return, my ears are always tuned in to the possibility of the high liquid sound of a Wood Thrush’s song, perhaps the most beautiful song in the Spring forest around here.
Recognizing that I am in love with a song, I wanted to look into the bird who sings it a little deeply, learn a little more about their ecology, and understand something about their lives and how they may go about living it. So, this week’s show is about the Wood Thrush, a favorite bird this time of year.

Hopefully you live in a place where you can hear these beautiful songs, but if not, listen up and you just might fall in love as well.


Ep. 158 : Challenging the use of Predicides in Canada


Ep. 156 : WITCHBODY with Sabrina Scott