Ep. 150 : Wellington Water Watchers

Local Wellington Water Watchers billboard

Local Wellington Water Watchers billboard

Ep. 150 : Wellington Water Watchers
to know the land

Wellington Water Watchers (WWW) is a grassroots organization working towards protecting their local water from those who would take it, pollute it, and render it a commodity. They have been working on the ground and in the streams since 2007. Through centering indigenous and marginalized struggles as a lighthouse to current and future WWW campaigns, and through developing partnerships with other seemingly disparate local organizations, they have been working to challenge the destructive machinations of bottled water corporations (Nestle specifically), developers, and provincial and federal governments who have been neglecting or outright attacking safe clean drinking water and the natural habitats where that water comes from.

Arlene Slowcombe, executive director of Wellington Water Watchers, talks on the show about how they and their allies are working to protect water and oppose those who would endanger not only the most precious and vital of “resources”, but the key to all life on earth.

Learn more:



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