

Many folks don’t know much about ongoing land reclamation and defence of land down in Six Nations, and I only know so much myself, so I wanted to compile some resources on how to learn more.

This video is a recording of the LIVE teach-in hosted by Val Kuri and Stephanie Pangowish of the 1492 Windsor Law Coalition. The panelists were Dr. Bev Jacob...

October 9 Day of Action

Text below from 1492landbacklane facebook page:

On October 9 we are calling our allies and supporters to action – we need your support as we face unjust legal processes in defense of our lands and waters. Indigenous Peoples and Land Defenders across Turtle Island will stand together and amplify our collective resistance to colonial oppression.

This day of action is about land back everywhere, continuing a tradition of national days of action in support of Indigenous sovereignty. We are calling for a diversity of tactics coming from the diverse communities from which our support comes.

The colonial state and their police continue to try to divide and conquer the Peoples of Turtle Island. While we resist colonial violence in it’s many forms everyday, October 9th we will again reclaim colonized spaces and disrupt colonial infrastructure.

Together we will send a message to political leaders, the courts and police – their roads and rails and so-called economic development have extracted the health and well-being from our communities for long enough. Now is the time to fight back.

On October 9th we will be appearing in their court to defend ourselves against their injunction. We are calling for autonomous solidarity actions from communities of resistance across Turtle Island.

1. Provincial, Federal and Territorial Governments must respect Indigenous Peoples’ sovereignty over their lands and waters.

2. That 1492 Land Back Lane remain under Haudenosaunee control and Haudenosaunee sovereignty over the Haldimand Tract respected.

3. End the criminalization of Land Defenders and their allies everywhere.

Twitter: @1492LBL
Facebook. com/groups/16568790344566
DONATIONS: landback6nations@gmail.com (PayPal and E-Transfer)
LEGAL FUND: GoFundMe. com/f/legal-fund-1492-land-back-lane
Legal Support: Landbacklanelegalsupport@protonmail.com
Hashtags: #1492LandBackLane #LandBack #ShutDownCanada

Brianpatch Magazine has just put out a new issue on the topic of #LandBack. Lots of useful information here. Check it out online, or get yourself a subscription!

Scholar strike : Below is a video of Indigenous Elders and scholars speak to the historical context, the modern situation and the overall narratives (colonial and indigenous) around 1492LandbackLane.

Sept 9 Solemn Promises on Stolen Land: Policing and Treaty-Breaking on 1492 Land Back Lane Presenters: Elder Eileen Antone, Professor Emerit...

Skylar Williams, media spokesperson from 1492LandbackLane talks about the reclamation on One Dish, One Mic radio broadcast:


Starla Myers, journalist with RealPeoplesMedia was arrested for covering the story of 1492LandBackLane. You can check out her post-arrest statement here:


An unnamed reporter/“team member” from independant media organization Azaadi Now was arrested after interviewing two community members who were at 1492LandBackLane. Check out their facebook page for more information on the arrest, 1492LBL and more about Azaadi Now:



Chinook Salmon, Nottawasaga River at Hockley Valley Conservation Area


Question Book 3 : The Return of Question Book